Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Earth day is Everyday

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Well, let's think of the "damage" we have cause to the earth. We are the cause of extinction for many species of plant and animal life, mass pollution in the oceans, smog in the very air we breathe, deforestation, starvation around the world. turning lungs into deserts, destruction of certain ecosystems, cause of our own destructive ends and the list goes on...
There is no such number of money on this planet to "fix" it.But don't worry. It isn't too late to try and make up for our mistakes. By taking small steps, maybe we will see that some of the damage that we've caused can be healed & make our planet a little more beautiful. Click read more to read full post.

If you are just like me motivated and trying to take small steps then this Think Green Earth Day project can be a good start for you. They found a very interesting and informative way to teach and aware people about what can happen if everyone starts to take small steps, dedicated to heal our Earth. Not only this but you can actually contribute through different ways ( and i didn't meant donations, healing does not costs money it needs your will to change)

Action you can take to help our planet revive back